Oxford Cemetery Interment records

note: To protect privacy, only the top half of the front of the interment card is available online.
A (139)
B (654)
C (399)
D (294)
E (87)
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G (251)
H (544)
I (38)
J (129)
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Z (13)

 Wabrick, John
 Wabrick, Thelma
 Wacken, M
 Wade, Darrell
 Wadleigh, Charles
 Wadleigh, Charlie
 Wadleigh, Elsnen
 Wadleigh, Harry
 Wadleigh, Helen
 Wadleigh, Joyce
 Wadleigh, Rebecca
 Wadleigh, William
 Wadleign, Georgia
 Wagner, Maxwell
 Wagonfield, Lillian
 Walker, Clara Belle
 Walker, Faye Clarke
 Walker, John J
 Wall, Elizabeth
 Wall, Mary
 Wallace, Agnes
 Wallace, Albert
 Wallace, Alexander
 Wallace, Charles
 Wallace, Clara
 Wallace, Edward
 Wallace, Elizabeth
 Wallace, Ella
 Wallace, Genadins
 Wallace, Geraldine M
 Wallace, Harriet
 Wallace, Hellan
 Wallace, Jack
 Wallace, Jacob
 Wallace, Jacqueline H
 Wallace, Joseph
 Wallace, Kate
 Wallace, Louisa
 Wallace, Mary
 Wallace, Neltie
 Wallace, William B
 Wallace, William
 Wallace, William
 Wallen, Andrew
 Wallen, Emma
 Wallen, Gary
 Wallen, Joseph
 Walling, Charles
 Walling, William
 Walling, Winnie
 Walter, Dallas
 Waltzer, Herbert
 Waltzer, Marilyn
 Wampler, Cornelia
 Wampler, John
 Wampler, Martha
 Wampler, Mary
 Wanee, Alonzo
 Wanee, John
 Wanee, Mary
 Wanee, Miles
 Ward, Alonzo
 Ward, Amanda
 Ward, Joanne Marie
 Ward, Melva
 Ward, William
 Warden, Catherine
 Warden, Rebecca
 Wardwell, Catherine
 Wardwell, Clide
 Wardwell, Cora
 Wardwell, Ferdinand
 Wardwell, Isaac
 Wardwell, Mary
 Wardwell, Nancy
 Wardwell, Walter
 Wardwell, Wm S
 Warel, Nathan
 Warner, Ebenezer
 Warner, Emeline
 Warner, Girl
 Warner, Helena
 Warner, Marjie
 Warren, Marjory
 Warren, William
 Warrington, Iris
 Warwick, Alice
 Waterman, Caroline
 Waterman, Charles
 Waterman, Joseph
 Waterman, Mary
 Waterman, Rex
 Waterman, Sarah
 Waterman, Susan
 Waterson, Infant
 Watkins, Joanne
 Watson, Agnes
 Watson, Catherine
 Watson, James
 Watson, Jane
 Watson, John
 Watson, Margaret
 Wear, Ann
 Weaver, Clara
 Weaver, George
 Webb, Beverly
 Webb, Carl
 Webb, Catherine
 Webb, David
 Webb, Dora
 Webb, Elizebeth
 Webb, Ermine
 Webb, Evelyn
 Webb, Francis
 Webb, Gary
 Webb, Glenna
 Webb, Harold
 Webb, Helen
 Webb, Henery
 Webb, Henry
 Webb, Hubert
 Webb, Ida
 Webb, Joyce
 Webb, Judith L
 Webb, Mary
 Webb, Richard
 Webb, Shirley
 Webb, Silas
 Webb, Thomas
 Webb, William Lee
 Webb, William
 Weber, Charles F Jr
 Weber, Charles
 Weber, Delma
 Weber, Donald
 Weber, Elise
 Weber, Elsie
 Weber, Helia
 Weber, Luella
 Weber, Margaret
 Weber, Mary
 Weber, Susan
 Weber, Sylvia
 Weber, William
 Webster, Pavela N
 Webster, Violet
 Weidner, Bruce
 Weigel, John
 Weikel, Rose
 Weinberger, Anna
 Weinberger, Helen
 Weinstein, Infant
 Weisman, Alan
 Weisman, Lesle
 Weller, Harry
 Weller, Mollie
 Welliver, George
 Welliver, Gretchen
 Welliver, Kate
 Welliver, Sara
 Wells, Charlotte
 Wells, Edward
 Wells, Lemuel
 Wells, Mary
 Wells, Robert

 Wells, Walter
 Wells, Williiam
 Welsh, John
 Welsh, Josiah
 Welsh, Mary
 Welsh, Sarah
 Welty, Catherine
 Welty, Henry
 Wendel, Robert L
 Werner, Brian
 Werner, Frances
 Werner, Harry
 Wertz, Martha
 Wertz, William
 Wertz, Willis
 Wespiser, Charles
 Wespiser, Florence
 Wespiser, Joseph Paul III
 Wespiser, Joseph
 Wesson, Dorothy
 Wesson, James
 West, Garrett
 Weston, Ethan
 Weston, Nancy
 Wetherby, Danforth
 Wetheroe, Abigail
 Wetmore, Harriet
 Wharton, Lydia
 Wheeler, Infant
 Wheeler, Janice
 Wheeler, Mary
 Whelan, Caroline J
 Whelpton, Charles George
 Whelpton, Edith Kidder
 Whelpton, George
 Whelpton, Jabez Parker
 Whelpton, Lorene Parker
 Whelpton, Pascal K
 Whetmore, Infant
 Whitcomb, Alice
 Whitcomb, Fred
 Whitcomb, Nellie
 White, Amos
 White, Anna
 White, Charles E
 White, Charles
 White, Ernest Cantrell
 White, Eutha
 White, Fred
 White, G G
 White, Irene
 White, James
 White, Jane
 White, John
 White, Joseph
 White, Laura
 White, Linda Robinson
 White, Lucretia
 White, Mary
 White, Milton
 White, Mrs
 White, Nell
 White, Nevil
 White, Robert
 White, Sarah
 White, Theda
 White, Thomas
 White, William
 Whitehead, Frank
 Whitehead, Ida
 Whitehead, Maude
 Whitemeyer, John
 Whitemore, Harriet
 Whitmore, Bessie
 Whitworth, Deborah
 Whitworth, Harry
 Whitworth, May
 Wiant, Joel
 Wiant, Virginia
 Wickenden, Arthur
 Wickenden, Ethel
 Widman, Frank
 Wiepking, Herbert Bablwin
 Wiepking, Lydia
 Wiers, John
 Wiesman, David
 Wile, Sarah Elizabeth
 Wiles, Albert
 Wiles, Margaret Mary
 Wiley, Ida M
 Wiley, Joseph M
 Wiley, Joseph
 Wilheby, Marie
 Wilhelm, Marie Sizemore
 Wilkin, Grace Mae
 Wilkins, Heanon Monroe
 Wilkinson, Allen
 Wilkinson, Anna
 Wilkinson, Sophia
 Wille, Louis
 Wille, Minnie
 Willeke, Carol Ann Blomquist
 Willeke, Gene E
 Willet, Henry
 Willet, Jane
 Williams, Anna Mary
 Williams, Charles A
 Williams, Dorothy L
 Williams, Edward
 Williams, Everett Ellsworth
 Williams, Gene P
 Williams, Harry M
 Williams, Infant
 Williams, John Frederick
 Williams, Lawerence S
 Williams, Lawerence
 Williams, Lucy
 Williams, Marcia Ann Minnis
 Williams, Mary A
 Williams, May J
 Williams, Michael A
 Williams, Molly Sue
 Williams, Robert Lee
 Williams, Ruth B
 Williams, Sarah A
 Williams, Walter T
 Williamson, Charles James Jr
 Williamson, Charles James
 Williamson, Clarence
 Williamson, Dorothy
 Williamson, Gene P
 Willis, Harriet
 Willis, Lemuel Jr
 Willis, Lemuel
 Willis, Willard
 Willis, Woodrow
 Williver, Silvia
 Wilson, Alice
 Wilson, Charles
 Wilson, Elizabeth
 Wilson, Esther
 Wilson, Gordon
 Wilson, James
 Wilson, John
 Wilson, Kate
 Wilson, Kathryn
 Wilson, Marie
 Wilson, Mary
 Wilson, Nancy
 Wilson, Peter
 Wilson, Robert
 Wilson, Roeloff
 Wilson, Susan
 Wilson, W W
 Windete, Ida
 Wing, David
 Wing, James
 Wing, Maria
 Wing, Mary
 Wing, Nellie
 Wing, Robert
 Wing, Silas
 Wing, Thomas
 Wing, Zimri

 Winston, Electa
 Winston, Maria
 Winters, Huston
 Winters, Stella
 Wise, Edna
 Wise, Robert E
 Wisecup, Bernice
 Wisecup, Denver
 Wisecup, Donald
 Wisecup, Elsie
 Wisecup, Evert
 Wisecup, Hattie
 Wisecup, Laura
 Wisecup, Mae
 Wisecup, Roy
 Wisecup, Terry
 Wiseman, David A
 Wiseman, Houston Lee Sr
 Wiseman, Houston Lee
 Wisner, Joanna
 Wissinger, Grace
 Witherby, Charlotte
 Witherby, Elizebeth
 Witherby, James
 Witherby, Kathryn
 Withrow, Emma Woodruff
 Witt, Elizabeth Ann Teetzel
 Witt, Ethel Fea
 Witt, Faires
 Wolf, Benjamin
 Wolf, Edward
 Wolf, John Newton
 Wolf, Missouri
 Wolf, Olive
 Wolf, William
 Wolfe, Adeline
 Wolfe, Bessie
 Wolfe, Jasper
 Wolfe, Martha
 Wolfe, Melvin
 Wolfe, Robert
 Wolverton, Sase
 Wood, Alice
 Woodruff, Adella
 Woodruff, Bertha
 Woodruff, Carolyn
 Woodruff, Cary
 Woodruff, Charles
 Woodruff, Cheryl J
 Woodruff, Dorothy
 Woodruff, Eliza
 Woodruff, Ephraim
 Woodruff, Ethel
 Woodruff, Everett
 Woodruff, Francis
 Woodruff, Grace
 Woodruff, Helen
 Woodruff, Henry
 Woodruff, Jamie
 Woodruff, Jean
 Woodruff, John Earl
 Woodruff, John
 Woodruff, Joyce
 Woodruff, Leona
 Woodruff, Lillian
 Woodruff, Lydia
 Woodruff, Mark
 Woodruff, Mary
 Woodruff, Matilda
 Woodruff, Migel
 Woodruff, Morey
 Woodruff, Paul Richard
 Woodruff, Paulette
 Woodruff, Ralph W
 Woodruff, Richard M
 Woodruff, Robert Frederic
 Woodruff, Ruth
 Woodruff, Samuel D
 Woodruff, Sarah E
 Woodruff, Thomas
 Woodruff, Walter
 Woodruff, William
 Woods, Anne
 Woods, Arthur
 Woods, Beulah
 Woods, Joyce
 Woods, Raleigh
 Woods, Rickey
 Worden, Catherine
 Worden, Rebecca
 Work, Bertha
 Work, Frances
 Worley, James
 Worley, Mary
 Worwick, Ruth
 Wray, Ann
 Wray, Belle
 Wray, C
 Wray, Caroline
 Wray, Dollie
 Wray, Fred
 Wray, Gordon
 Wray, John
 Wray, Martin
 Wray, Morris
 Wray, R L
 Wray, Samuel
 Wright, Althea
 Wright, Amanda
 Wright, Amy
 Wright, Anna
 Wright, Barbara
 Wright, Benjamin
 Wright, Charles Sr
 Wright, Charles
 Wright, Daisy
 Wright, Dorothy
 Wright, Earl
 Wright, Eva
 Wright, Francis
 Wright, Frank
 Wright, Gilson
 Wright, Grace
 Wright, Hannah
 Wright, Harold Bunker
 Wright, Harold
 Wright, John J
 Wright, John L
 Wright, John Sr
 Wright, John
 Wright, Laura
 Wright, Leila
 Wright, Lillian
 Wright, Maria
 Wright, Mary Kathryn
 Wright, Rebecca
 Wright, Regina
 Wright, William
 Wuille, Nettie
 Wurtz, Joseph
 Wurtz, Mary
 Wyant, George
 Wyant, Hazel
 Wyant, Jack
 Wyant, Jeanne E
 Wyant, Michael
 Wyant, Scott
 Wyant, Virgil
 Wyckoff, Alfred
 Wyckoff, Elizabeth
 Wykoff, Edith
 Wylie, Ada
 Wylie, Edmund
 Wylie, Thomas
 Wynja, Eva
 Wynja, George
 Wynn, Dewey
 Wynn, Dwight Myron
 Wynn, Marjorie
 Wynn, Mary
 Wysong, Unknown