Oxford Cemetery Interment records

note: To protect privacy, only the top half of the front of the interment card is available online.
A (139)
B (654)
C (399)
D (294)
E (87)
F (277)
G (251)
H (544)
I (38)
J (129)
K (255)
L (249)
M (609)
N (87)
O (78)
P (227)
Q (4)
R (321)
S (697)
T (138)
U (32)
V (41)
W (491)
X (0)
Y (38)
Z (13)

 Pacey, Gilbert
 Paddock, J
 Paddock, Lindley
 Park, Chull
 Parline, Fred
 Parman, William
 Parsons, Eunice
 Parsons, Infant
 Pasel, Armenia
 Patt, Abigal
 Patt, Riley
 Patten, Everett
 Patten, Fern
 Patterson, A
 Patterson, Alice
 Patterson, Elizabeth
 Patterson, George
 Patterson, James
 Patterson, John
 Patterson, Joseph
 Patterson, Maria
 Patterson, Virginia
 Patterson, William
 Paugh, Mary
 Paxton, Erma
 Paynter, Infant
 Peabody, Helen
 Peabody, Susan
 Pearce, Lewis
 Pearce, Mary
 Pearce, Willie
 Pearlie, S Lewis
 Pearson, Margaret
 Pearson, Paul
 Pearson, Winifred Clowe
 Peck, Sally
 Pelfre, Iceara
 Pelfrey, Earl
 Pencil, Helen
 Pennel, Martha
 Perchie, Alfred
 Perdue, Alfred
 Perkins, Marelyn Ann
 Perry, Freeman
 Peters, Edith
 Peters, Frank
 Peters, Homer
 Peters, Louise
 Peters, Marjory
 Peters, Mary
 Peters, Murray
 Peters, Ronald
 Peters, William
 Peterson, Spiro
 Peterson, Yerevan
 Petinger, Earl
 Pettnier, Joseph
 Peyton, Anna
 Peyton, Fannie
 Peyton, Francis
 Peyton, Lucy
 Peyton, Richard
 Peyton, Sarah
 Peyton, Townsend
 Pfister, Anna
 Pfister, Aruther
 Pfister, Charles
 Pfister, Donald
 Pfister, Fred
 Pfister, Grace
 Pfister, Helen
 Phalan, Infant
 Phalen, Charles Munns
 Phalen, Gurney
 Phalen, Helen
 Phalen, Margaret
 Phelps, Francis

 Phenis, John
 Phenis, Lida
 Phenis, Loretta
 Phenis, Nancy
 Phillips, David
 Phillips, Dennis
 Phillips, Gary Daniel
 Phillips, Margaret
 Phipps, Herbert Lewis
 Phipps, Lorena
 Pierce, Mamie
 Pierce, Roy
 Pierson, Abner Wilson
 Pierson, Alfred E
 Pierson, Amanda M
 Pierson, Anita L
 Pierson, Benijamin S
 Pierson, Brant
 Pierson, Catherine
 Pierson, Cecil Lee
 Pierson, Clayton
 Pierson, Clifford E
 Pierson, Constance Carolyn
 Pierson, Cynthia A
 Pierson, David Lorraine
 Pierson, Dellia A
 Pierson, Emily E
 Pierson, George
 Pierson, Grace Pugh
 Pierson, Grant
 Pierson, Hannah
 Pierson, Harry Scudder
 Pierson, Hiram
 Pierson, Joseph E
 Pierson, LaVonne
 Pierson, Mary Elizabeth
 Pierson, Moses R
 Pierson, Moses
 Pierson, Rickie Allen
 Pierson, Roy Alfred
 Pierson, Sarah
 Pierson, Squire
 Pierson, Taylor Z
 Pierson, William R
 Pierson, William
 Pike, Sophronia
 Pillion, Dorothy
 Pillion, Joseph
 Piper, Clifford
 Piper, G W
 Piper, Infant
 Pitman, Bruce Roy
 Pitman, Willie Jack
 Pitts, Jesse
 Plater, Edward Mauroce Victor
 Plessinger, Mark
 Plessinger, Mary
 Plummer, Ralph
 Poccia, Nicholas Philip
 Poccia, Nicholas
 Poccia, Pamela
 Poccia, Phyllis
 Poeppelmeier, David Joseph
 Pollard, Edwina
 Pollard, Harry
 Pollard, Patricia
 Pomeroy, D Will
 Pomeroy, Mary
 Pomeroy, Will
 Pont, Helen Sandra
 Pont, John
 Poponing, Josephine
 Porter, Alexander
 Porter, Bosworth
 Porter, Carl
 Porter, Charles
 Porter, Elizabeth

 Porter, Gideon
 Porter, Gwenn
 Porter, Harriet
 Porter, Harriett
 Porter, James
 Porter, Josephine
 Porter, Levi
 Porter, Lewis
 Porter, Linda
 Porter, Margaret
 Porter, Marietta
 Porter, Martha
 Porter, Ned
 Porter, Oriela
 Porter, Pamela
 Porter, Sarah
 Porter, Will
 Porter, William
 Posey, Alice
 Post, Henry
 Posvar, Ida
 Poth, James
 Potteiger, Elizabeth
 Pottenger, Arthur
 Pottenger, Earl
 Pottenger, Henrietta
 Pottenger, Infant
 Powell, E E
 Powell, Elmer
 Powell, Infant
 Powell, Jabez
 Powell, James
 Powell, Lady
 Powell, Marcy
 Powell, Marion
 Prather, Arthur
 Prather, Bertha
 Prather, Betty
 Prather, Irene
 Prather, Joseph
 Pratt, Caroline
 Pratt, Joseph
 Pratt, Kathryn
 Prescott, Angela
 Prestley, James
 Preston, Charles
 Preston, George
 Preston, John
 Preston, Kate
 Preston, Sallie
 Preston, Sarah
 Price, Dea
 Price, Sophia
 Puckett, Anna
 Puckett, John
 Puckett, Kathryn
 Puckett, Marvin
 Puckett, Pearl
 Puckett, Samuel
 Puff, Edith
 Puff, Frederick
 Puff, Harold
 Pugh, Alma
 Pugh, James
 Pugh, Sarah
 Pulley, Mary
 Pulley, Verlin
 Pulley, William
 Purcell, Robert
 Purinton, Mary
 Pursifull, Cody
 Pyfrin, Samuel
 Pyphin, Elizabeth